ISSN: 3031-5824 (Media Online)
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We as administrators of ETIC (EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL), are proud to announce the publication of Volume 1 Number 4, .May 2024. This volume contains 10 manuscripts were authored/co-authored by 40 authors from 3 institutions (Universitas Terbuka, MTsN 1 Sijunjung, and Universitas Negeri Manado). Please see the list of articles by clicking on the title.
We as administrators of ETIC (EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL), are proud to announce the publication of Volume 1 Number 6, September 2024. This volume contains 10 manuscripts were authored/co-authored by 30 authors from 4 institutions (Universitas Bina Bangsa, Universitas Terbuka, UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, and Universitas Negeri Manado). Please see the list of articles by clicking on the title.
We as administrators of ETIC (EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL), are proud to announce the publication of Volume 1 Number 1, November 2023. This volume contains 5 manuscripts were authored/co-authored by 14 authors from 2 institutions (Universitas Terbuka and Universitas Negeri Manado). Please see the list of articles by clicking on the title.
We as administrators of ETIC (EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL), are proud to announce the publication of Volume 1 Number 3, March 2024. This volume contains 10 manuscripts were authored/co-authored by 28 authors from 4 institutions (Universitas Terbuka, MTsN 1 Sijunjung, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, and Universitas Negeri Manado). Please see the list of articles by clicking on the title.
We as administrators of ETIC (EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL), are proud to announce the publication of Volume 1 Number 5, .July 2024. This volume contains 10 manuscripts were authored/co-authored by 21 authors from 4 institutions (Universitas Terbuka, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Universitas Nggusuwaru, and Universitas Negeri Manado). Please see the list of articles by clicking on the title.
We as administrators of ETIC (EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL), are proud to announce the publication of Volume 2 Number 1, November 2024. This volume contains 10 manuscripts were authored/co-authored by 26 authors from 3 institutions (Universitas Nggusuwaru, Universitas Negeri Padang, Universitas Negeri Manado). Please see the list of articles by clicking on the title.
We as administrators of ETIC (EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL), are proud to announce the publication of Volume 1 Number 2, January 2024. This volume contains 10 manuscripts were authored/co-authored by 36 authors from 5 institutions (Universitas Terbuka, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya,Universitas Nggusuwaru, Universitas Bina Bangsa, and Universitas Negeri Manado). Please see the list of articles by clicking on the title.
Laboratorium Program Studi Pendidikan Sosiologi Unima
Address: Program Studi Pendidikan Sosiologi Unima, Lantai 3 FISH Unima
Jl. Kampus Unima, Tonsaru, Kec. Tondano Sel., Kabupaten Minahasa, Sulawesi Utara 95618
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