Integrity: Journal of Pancasila Values and Civic Education Studies
Journal Title : Integrity: Journal of Pancasila Values and Civic Education Studies Initials : IJPVCES Frequency : Three Editions a year (February, Juny, and November) Editor In Chief : Theodorus Pangalila Publisher : PT. NALURI EDUKASI PRESS Contact Us : Email., WA. 085762530583 Integrity: Journal of Pancasila Values and Civic Education Studies is a peer-reviewed academic journal that focuses on research, studies, and scholarly discourse in the field of Pancasila values and civic education. The journal serves as a platform for academics, researchers, educators, and practitioners to share their insights and findings related to the implementation, development, and preservation of Pancasila values in education and society.
This journal accepts original research articles, review articles, and scientific works on Pancasila Education and Values, Civic Education, Education Policy and Implementation, Social and Cultural Studies, Contemporary Issues that are still relevant.
IEDUST: International Journal of Educational Sciences and Teaching
Journal Title : IEDUST: International Journal of Educational Sciences and Teaching Initials : IIJEST Frequency : Four Editions a year (February, May, August and November) Editor In Chief : Romi Mesra Publisher : PT. NALURI EDUKASI PRESS Contact Us : Email., WA. 085762530583 IEDUST: International Journal of Educational Sciences and Teaching is published in English Four Editions a year (February, May, August and November). IEDUST welcomes articles on education and teaching.
The focus and scope of this journal are Educational Administration, Educational Administration, Guidance and Counseling, Environmental Science, Educational Science, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Social Studies Education, Special Education, Mathematics Education, Non-Formal Education, Sports Education, General Education, Educational Technology, Sociology Education, Civic Education, Learning Methods, Learning Media, and Others
JIWA: Jurnal Inovasi Wawasan Akademik
Journal Title : JIWA: Jurnal Inovasi Wawasan Akademik Initials : JIWA Frequency : Six Editions a year (January, March, May, July, September, November) Editor In Chief : Zulmi Aryani, S.Pd., M.Pd Publisher : PT. Naluri Edukasi Press Contact Us : Email. WA. 081215335515 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
JIWA (Jurnal Inovasi Wawasan Akademik) merupakan wahana publikasi ilmiah yang bersumber dari penelitian dan kajian konseptual para dosen, pakar, praktisi pendidikan, guru, dan mahasiswa yang mempunyai kepedulian mendalam terhadap kemajuan dan perkembangan serta inovasi pembelajaran, meliputi:
1. Pengembangan Teknologi Pendidikan, Media Pembelajaran, Metode, Strategi dan Inovasi Pembelajaran
2. Kreatifitas, Seni, Budaya, dan Prakarya
3. Perkembangan Profesi Guru, Bahasa dan Literasi
4. Berbagai Bidang Terkait Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini dan Pendidikan Dasar (PG-PAUD dan PGSD)
Jurnal Masyarakat Digital
Journal Title : Jurnal Masyarakat Digital Initials : JMD Frequency : Four Editions a year (February, May, August and November) Editor In Chief : Romi Mesra, S.Pd., M.Pd Publisher : PT. NALURI EDUKASI PRESS Contact Us : Email., WA. 085762530583 Jurnal Masyarakat Digital is a double-blind review academic journal for Legal Studies published by PT. NALURI EDUKASI PRESS. This journal is periodically published Four Editions a year (February, May, August and November). We aspire to contribute to the field of masyarakat digital which focuses on the sosiologi digital, komunikasi digital, Budaya digital, teknologi pendidikan, Ekonomi digital dan e-commerce, Kesehatan digital, Cybersecurity, and others and others relating to digital society.
Collaborative: Journal of Community Service
Journal Title : Collaborative: Journal of Community Service Initials : CJCS Frequency : Three Editions a year (July, November, March) Editor In Chief : Romi Mesra, S.Pd., M.Pd Publisher : PT. NALURI EDUKASI PRESS Contact Us : Email., WA. 085762530583 COLLABORATIVE: Journal of Community Service is a national journal that contains the results of community service and empowerment activities in the form of applying various fields of knowledge, especially in the fields of Education, Sociology Education, Sociology, Social Science, and also includes other scientific disciplines such as Law, Economics, Humanities, Engineering, Agriculture, Communication, and Health.
Mahkamah Hukum Journal
Mahkamah Hukum Journal
Journal Title : Mahkamah Hukum Journal Initials : MHJ Frequency : Three Editions a year (May, September, and January) Editor In Chief : Dr. Yoan B. Runtunuwu, SH., MH Publisher : PT. NALURI EDUKASI PRESS Contact Us : Email., WA. 085762530583 Welcome to the official website of Mahkamah Hukum Journal, we aspire to contribute to the field of law which focuses on the dialectics of theory, philosophy and multi-disciplinary legal sciences, for example criminal law, civil law, constitutional law, Islamic law, land law, law international and others.
Mahkamah Hukum Journal is a double-blind review academic journal for Legal Studies published by PT. NALURI EDUKASI PRESS. We also strongly recommend multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research as long as the strong variable in the research is still legal analysis according to the scope and focus described above. This journal is periodically published 4 times a year (February, May, August and November).
Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (JELAS)
Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (JELAS)
Journal Title : Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (JELAS) Initials : JPIPSJELAS Frequency : Four Editions a year (January, April, July, October) Editor In Chief : Romi Mesra, S.Pd., M.Pd Publisher : PT. NALURI EDUKASI PRESS Contact Us : Email., WA. 085762530583 -
Journal Title : NALURI EDUKASI JURNAL PENDIDIKAN Initials : NEJP Frequency : Six Editions a year (February, April, June, August, October, December) Editor In Chief : Romi Mesra, S.Pd., M.Pd Publisher : PT. NALURI EDUKASI PRESS Contact Us : Email., WA. 082311674619 NALURI EDUKASI JURNAL PENDIDIKAN is a multi-disciplinary journal dedicated specifically to the publication of quality research results in the field of education. The journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports greater global exchange of knowledge.
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ENGINTECH: Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences
ENGINTECH: Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences
Journal Title : ENGINTECH: Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Initials : EJETS Frequency : Three Editions a year (April, August, December) Editor In Chief : Dr. Eng Zuldesmi, ST., M.Eng Publisher : PT. NALURI EDUKASI PRESS Contact Us :, WA. 085762530583
ENGINTECH: Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences welcomes full research articles in the area of Engineering Sciences from the following subject areas: Mechanical Engineering, Civil and Structural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Science, Environmental Science, Materials Science, Earth-Surface Processes, Technological Sciences, and Other Engineering Fields. Authors are invited to submit articles that have not been published previously and are not under consideration elsewhere.
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Journal Title : ETIC (EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL) Initials : EESSJ Frequency : Six Editions a year (January, March, May, July, September, November) Editor In Chief : Romi Mesra, S.Pd., M.Pd Publisher : Labor Program Studi Pendidikan Sosiologi FISH Unima Contact Us : Email., or WA. 085762530583 ETIC (EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL) is a blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the publication of quality research results in the fields of educational research and social sciences. The journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal aims to publish research and theoretical articles in the fields of education and social sciences and analyze various educational and social science issues. The contents of this journal offer a truly valuable resource for educators and educational scientists in all fields who are looking for new ways to address problems that occur at both the micro and macro levels in society.
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COMTE: Journal of Sociology Research and Education
Journal Title : COMTE: Journal of Sociology Research and Education Initials : CJSRE Frequency : Six Editions a year (January, March, May, July, September, November) Editor In Chief : Romi Mesra, S.Pd., M.Pd Publisher : PT. NALURI EDUKASI PRESS Contact Us : Email., WA. 085762530583 COMTE: Journal of Sociology Research and Education is a journal dedicated to the publication of quality research results in the empirical research field of Sociology and Sociology Education. This journal provides direct open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports greater global knowledge exchange.